Monday, November 24, 2008

MacRichment Newsletter November 2008

AltaMath Competitors Class 8:15-9
3rd Grade 12:30-2:30

4th Grade 11-12
5th Grade (Ross, Adams, Sullivan) 12:30-2:30

5th Grade (Dunn & Barnes) 10:30-12
5th Grade Enrichment Block 1:40-2:40

4th Grade 9:30-11
5th Grade (Ross, Adams, Sullivan) 11-12
5th Grade (Dunn & Barnes) 1-2:30

Mini-Course Building Big 9-10
1st & 2nd Grade In-Class Enrichment (times vary)
3rd Grade Celebrate Science Class 12:30-1 (weekly)
4th or 5th Celebrate Science Class 1:30-2:30 (flip-flop weekly)

Here's what is happening in our classes:

When the students arrive they get out their personal journals:

Math Thing (See *example!) +
Problem Solving example or game (See **example!!)

*Sum Fun: Find a quick & easy method to compute the sum of the first 100 counting numbers. (no calculators allowed) PS the answer is 5050, how'd you get there?.

**Sharpening Your Senses: Try to imagine the things listed below. Rate yourself on each one: easy, hard, unable at all.

Imagine the taste of peanuts. + - X
Imagine the smell of gasoline.
Imagine the sound of a car starting.
Imagine the feel of swinging high on a swing.
Imagine the taste of a banana.
Imagine the smell of toothpaste.
Imagine the sound of a dropped book hitting the floor.
Imagine the feel of biting into an apple.

Then they are set free to work on their Challenge Projects:
Students choose one folder/topic, choose 3 activities from that folder/topic.
Students got an okay from Mrs. Mac, decided on when they will present (short,
less than 10 minutes) what they have done.

See List of possibles below: (how to boggle your brain in one easy lesson!!)

Challenge Activities
You may choose from:
On each sheet are 9 activities. You choose three, in a row, in a column, or a diagonal. Meet with Mrs. Mac to decide the time-line & deadline of your choices. Use the Criteria Cards to make sure you do the BEST Job Ever!!
Africa....................... Asia......................... Australia
Book Characters ........Book Report.............. Early Settlers
Europe..................... Famous Artists.......... 5 Themes of Geography
Genetics.................. Geometry.................. Native Americans
Oceans.................... Periodic Table............ Poetry
Rainforest................ Seasons.................... Shapes
Soil......................... South America............ Stock Market
Weather.................. World War II ..............Write your Own!


Individual Plans
In a meeting with Mrs. Mac, student chooses 3 activities, will agree on one teacher required actitivity and together decide the time-line & deadline of your choices. Use the Criteria Cards to make sure you do the BEST Job Ever!!
Ancient Egypt .....Civil War .......Elections
Geometrics ........Math History ...Rocks & Minerals
Space Exploration ..Novel Study ...Winter Holidays
Write your Own!

Each Questivities folder contains 12 different sheets of activities based on your Learning Style, Intelligence Style & Bloom’s Taxonomy. Choose ONE sheet. You will do all of the activities on the page: Project Question, Project Activity, Thinking Questions & Active Questioning. Meet with Mrs. Mac to develop a time-line & deadline. Use the Assessment Mini-rubric to make sure you do the BEST Job Ever!!
Your Human Body .......Weather .......Write Your Own!!

Engine-Uity Sheets
Each folder contains 5 different areas to choose from. Each sheet has 6 activities keyed to Bloom’s Taxonomy. You choose one sheet & choose 3 activities. Meet with Mrs. Mac to develop a time-line & deadline. Use the Criteria Cards to make sure you do the BEST Job Ever!!
Atoms & Molecules:
Parts of an Atom..Atomic Scientists..Forces w/in an Atom..Common Molecules..Properties of an Atom
Developing Film..History of Photography..Parts of a Camera..Careers in Photography..Using a Camera
Weather Phenomena:
Nature’s Survivors:
Endangered Species:
Giant Pandas..Wolves..California Condors..Orangutans..Polar Bears
Basketball..Ice Hockey..Baseball..Tennis..Football
Unexplained Phenomena:
Big Foot..Bermuda Triangle..Loch Ness Monster..Black Holes..UFO’s
Buried Treasure..Stonehenge..Optical Illusions..Halley’s Comet..Magic
Desert Dwellers:
Mammals & Birds..Plants..Ancient Peoples..Modern Indians..Reptiles & Insects
Phones..Print Media..Internet..Television..Radio
Write Your Own!

Web-Quests are guided investigations, using the Internet, where the students research, learn about, and accomplish the tasks set for them. Web Quests usually come with their own rubric (so you can know what is expected & do the very BEST of which you are able!) Meet with Mrs. Mac for time-line and deadline!
Civil War Library Quest...World War I WQ...Simple Machines WQ I
Aerodynamic Adventure WQ...Evaluating Math Games WQ
Design a Tour of Washington, DC WQ...Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner WQ
Adventure into the Unknown WQ...Simple Machines WQ II
Mars or the Moon WQ..Wind, Water, Sun or Coal WQ..Lewis & Clark WQ
Gold Rush Players WQ..Canada, a Family Vacation WQ

Criteria Cards (Please note: these are NOT activites! They are reminders of what is necessary to do the best job possible!)
Each card is tied to one activity and is designed to help the student look at all aspects of the project and do their best work.
Making Things
Learning Center...Time Capsule...Museum Exhibit...Mosaic
Pantomime...Experiment...Role Playing...Puzzle...Diorama
Prototype...Scavenger Hunt...Dance...Sculpture...Mask
Skit or Play...Tableau..Puppet Show

Speech...Questionnaire...Greeting Card...Haiku...Letter
Crossword Puzzle...Oral Report...Autobiography...Editorial
Newsletter...Panel Discussion...Newspaper Article
Group Discussion...Script for a Play...Poem...Song
Short Story

Map...Outline...Poster...Graph...Flow Chart
Drawing...Mural...Picture Postcard...Timeline
Venn Diagram...Book Cover...Brochure
Quilt Pattern...Advertisement...Technology
Animation...Transparency...Audio Recording
Photo Shop Photo..Multimedia Show...Electronic Survey
Podcast...Light-board...TV Program
TV Commercial...Video...Photographic Essay
CAD Project...Database...Radio Report
Slide Show...Write Your Own!!


Knowledge (Easiest thinking, most often used, examples: dates, events, places, vocabulary, key ideas, parts of diagram, 5Ws )

Comprehension (Examples: find meaning, transfer, interpret facts, infer cause & consequence, examples )

Application (Examples: use information in new situations, solve problems)

Analysis (Examples: recognize and explain patterns and meaning, see parts and wholes)

Synthesis (Examples: discuss "what if" situations, create new ideas, predict and draw conclusions)

Evaluation (Examples: make recommendations, assess value and make choices, critique ideas)

Just so you have an idea of where we are, what we're doing and how it's happening!