Sunday, June 6, 2010

Elinor Alice Christy

School ends, I get everything up off the floor of my classroom in anticipation of a stripping and waxing and, bingo, my daughter has a baby! Yes, yes, Elinor Alice has been expected, also anticipated, even promised a pony and chocolate if she'd hurry up and get here but
on Monday, May 31, she came!! Birth was at 4:03pm, she weighed 6lbs. 5 oz., and was 19.5 inches long, 9 on the APGAR scale, lots of hair! Mom and Baby doing GREAT. On June 2 I arrived in Chicago, right on time for visiting hours and helped pack the babes (Ali & Nora) up to go home. She is a wonderful baby; sleeps, eats, poops when she's supposed to. On Thursday, Mom, Dad and I took Nora, on the L, to her first doctor's appointment. She was all wrapped in one of those baby carrier wraps, slept all the way there and back and only fussed when the doctor took off her diaper and examined her (she's very modest).

I left Nora & family on Saturday, June 5and am now in Naples, FL helping my Dad while he is going through chemo.

I will write more later - I'm already pumped for NEXT year! XXOO!! Mrs. Mac

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